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Good News for All the Earth

Understanding the story of the New Testament

Mitchell L Chase
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Good News for All the Earth

Understanding the story of the New Testament

Mitchell L Chase



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The New Testament reports the arrival of God’s promised deliverer. In several Gospels, a book of early church history, many letters, and a visionary book of judgment and hope, we learn about the ministry and mission of Jesus and the lives of those who followed him.

The Old Testament contained the shadows and patterns and prophecies that anticipated the Christ, and the New Testament announces that the Light of the world has come. We need to understand the story of the New Testament because it is about the one who changed the world--and who changes us.

Through various genres and over the course of twenty-seven books, the New Testament points us to the living Christ who secured our atonement, builds his church, and will return in victory to make all things new.

Selected Endorsements:

"Mitch Chase has produced an exciting book that will enthuse you for the Bible and make you wonder at God’s amazing plan of salvation. It will be a great tool to help Christians grow in their understanding of how the whole Bible story fits together and points to Jesus."

Alistair Chalmers, pastor of Ferniehill Evangelical Church

"A concise and practical Christ-centered history of the New Testament that does not miss the forest for the trees. Chase illuminates the New Testament by guiding the reader through key events and explaining their theological significance, helping the reader see how all the pieces fit together."

Brandon D. Crowe, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary

"Mitch Chase has written a wonderfully clear and accessible account of the good news about Jesus of Nazareth. We are given a fast-paced tour of the message of the entire New Testament. A most helpful entreé to the message of the gospel that has transformed the world. An excellent introductory book on the message of the New Testament."

Tom Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

  • Title

    Good News for All the Earth

  • Author(s)

    Mitchell L Chase

  • Series

    For All the Earth

  • ISBN


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  • Topic

    Bible Reading

  • Audience


  • Pages


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Mitchell L Chase

Mitchell L Chase

Mitchell L. Chase (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the senior pastor of Kosmosdale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at SBTS and the author of several books.

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