What am I for? It's a question that we rarely ask, but spend our lives trying to answer. Many people point to happiness, while others argue that everything is meaningless. Whatever our answer, it seems impossible to live without purpose.
Jonny Ivey shows how this primal urge to live purposeful lives is not coincidental: we were made in the image of a purposeful God. And it's here that we find the satisfying answer to that question: we are created and called to be the image of God.
This isn't a burdensome duty that draws us away from all the things we enjoy in life. Being made in the image of a joyful, tri-une community of God who created the world's bounty as a way to allow us fulfill our purpose, it means enjoying the same pleasures God has enjoyed throughout eternity. It means seeing our lives satisfyingly click into place as we reflect his humble and self-giving character.
And this is all possible because of Jesus, the one who came to save us from the futile lives we have all chosen by pursuing self-fulfilment. He lived the purposeful life on our behalf, and he now empowers us by his Spirit to live a new purpose-driven, creation-enjoying, and God-reflecting life.
This book will free you from the fear that you are missing out on God's purpose or calling for your life. It will liberate you to experience the joyful purpose that God has assigned to your current circumstances. Starting today.
On Purpose
Cruciform Press