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12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter

Bob Lepine



12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter

Bob Lepine



It pops up in a seemingly random Sunday each year, easing you gently into spring. The promise of candy and chocolate eggs makes it popular with kids, but it’s hardly in the same league as holidays like Christmas.

... But perhaps it should be?

Here are 12 weird and wonderful facts, spanning all the way from its origins through to the present day, that show the enduring significance of Easter for Christians:

#1 The Easter Bunny was a little late to the party

#2 It took an emperor to pin down the date

#3 The pagan goddess Eoestre makes a brief appearance

#4 Eggs really do have significance, candy not so much...

#5 Making hot cross buns was once a criminal offence

#6 At least 18 laws were broken to condemn Jesus to death

#7 The Romans didn't really want to kill Jesus

#8 Good Friday was the worst day in all history

#9 You can survive crucifixion, but Jesus didn't

#10 Dead men do walk

#11 Easter is to die for - literally

#12 Jesus welcomes doubters

  • Title

    12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter

  • Author(s)

    Bob Lepine

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Easter, Evangelistic

  • Pages


  • Published


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5.0 based on 1 review

Fun and engaging!

A delightful and witty exploration of the truths of Easter from the ever changing date and the origin of the Easter bunny to the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. Read it for yourself to learn some fun facts about Easter and give it to a friend to introduce them to salvation in Jesus! * I am an employee of 10ofThose and received this book for free.

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