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Before You Share Your Faith

Five Ways to Be Evangelism Ready

Matt Smethurst

Before You Share Your Faith

Five Ways to Be Evangelism Ready

Matt Smethurst


When it comes to evangelism, we often struggle. Maybe it's the inertia that comes with feeling out of practice. Or perhaps it's the age-old presence of fear that keeps us from speaking truth in love. Sometimes, a low-level guilt over countless missed opportunities tempts us to despair of trying at all.

In Before You Share Your Faith—a follow-up to Before You Open Your Bible—Matt Smethurst presents five ways you can become "evangelism ready". While many good books begin further downstream by teaching how to evangelize, this volume will help you be primed for when the moment arrives. Because if you aren't ready to share your faith . . . you probably won't.

Casting light on five key foundations—grasp the gospel, check your context, love the lost, face your fear, and start to speak—this resource will deepen your desire and enhance your readiness to share the best news anyone could ever hear.

Praise for the book:

"When I was a new Christian 50 years ago, I read two little booklets by John Stott on personal evangelism that changed my life. Matt Smethurst has written a short book on the same subject that is every bit as good as those older essays, but of course far more up to date. Read it—it could change your life!"- Timothy Keller, Redeemer City to City

"I must confess that sometimes I don't share my faith when I should. But this little book is not designed to make me ashamed of myself (I don't need help in that department), but to help me do better. If you are a Christian who never wavers on this front, don't bother reading this book: you don't need it. Otherwise read it thoughtfully and gratefully."- D. A. Carson, cofounder and theologian-at-large, The Gospel Coalition; emeritus professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"Few people can write a warm, winsome book on evangelism while still maintaining biblical faithfulness, but Matt Smethurst has pulled it off. Matt is a player-coach who walks alongside us, outlining the foundational components of sharing our faith and never forgetting that evangelism is part of every faithful believer's life. This book will instruct the fearless and invigorate the fearful."-  J. Mack Stiles, director, Messenger Ministries; author, Evangelism and Marks of the Messenger

"Matt Smethurst has given God's people a tremendously valuable resource: something to help prepare us for evangelism. He addresses topics that are often skipped over or assumed in evangelism training. And he does so with excellent prose and gospel grace."- Randy Newman, senior fellow for apologetics and evangelism, The C. S. Lewis Institute; author, Questioning Evangelism

"Packed with pastoral wisdom, theological clarity, and a contagious zeal both for Christ and for the lost. I can't think of a better short encouragement toward evangelism. Read it with friends, and get sharing!"- Glen Scrivener, evangelist and author, Reading Between the Lines series

"This is a delightful book on evangelism! Matt Smethurst focuses on the crucial topic of how to prepare for witness before the opportunity arrives. His writing is clear, concise, compelling and insightful. This is an important contribution on a very important subject."- Rebecca Manley Pippert, author, Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World and Stay Salt

  • Title

    Before You Share Your Faith

  • Author(s)

    Matt Smethurst

  • Series

    Before You…

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  • Topic

    Evangelism & Mission

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Matt Smethurst

Matt Smethurst

Matt Smethurst is lead pastor of River City Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, and author of several books, including Before You Share Your Faith and Tim Keller on the Christian Life. He also cohosts The Everyday Pastor podcast from The Gospel Coalition. Matt and his wife, Maghan, have five children.

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