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The Weirdest Nativity

Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell

The Weirdest Nativity

Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell



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This is a book for people who already know the standard nativity - the baby, the stable, the manger… But it includes one character you were probably never told about - an enormous red dragon. We didn't make him up. His story is tucked away in the lesser-known pages of the Bible and his terrible deeds are verifiable facts of history. Though few people are aware of him, he is fighting a battle in which we all must choose sides.

So this Christmas, let us fill in the gaps as we introduce you to the weirdest nativity.

  • Title

    The Weirdest Nativity

  • Author(s)

    Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell

  • ISBN


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  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


Andrew Sach

Andrew Sach

Andrew Sach serves part–time as a pastor at Grace Church Greenwich, and part–time as a tutor on the Cornhill Training Course, helping to train other preachers. He has a background in science that began with an explosives factory in his parents’ garage aged 15 and ended with a PhD on why two ears are better than one. He enjoys playing Bach on the piano and attempting to pour nice shapes in his coffee with frothed milk. He is co–author of the Dig Deeper books.

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