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Reconnecting with the History of the Church

Edward Rhodes





Reconnecting with the History of the Church

Edward Rhodes


Being rooted in the past helps us to stand strong in the present. There is something intriguing about the lives of those who have gone before us. We wonder what they thought, how they lived, what they cared about and maybe even what advice they would offer us today.

In this introduction to church history, you'll discover answers to those questions and more as historian Edward Rhodes chronicles church history from the early church up to the recent past. Edward argues that knowing more about our Christian ancestors helps us to make sense of our own story and place in history.

Be challenged as you consider how lessons from the past can apply to us today with the help of application points and study questions at the end of each chapter.

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    Edward Rhodes

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Edward Rhodes

Edward Rhodes

Edward Rhodes works at the University of Brighton in a support role. He teaches sessions on Church History for the interns at the Church of Christ the King, Brighton.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

the thinking person’s primer on Christian History

For many Christians the history of the Christian Church is just a collection of individual events, of a jumble of famous names or periods in history, over the last 2,000 years. It takes someone of the calibre of Edward Rhodes to deliver a coherent continuity of events which is both credible and appreciated. But more than that, I am impressed by the fact that one who has such an impressive academic lineage should be capable of writing so simply, so directly, and with a clear understanding as to how to challenge the reader’s thinking. At the end of each short chapter Rhodes presents us with apposite questions which makes us stop and think through what we have learnt at a personal level. In 15 very readable chapters Rhodes paints a panorama which is nothing short of impressive. The book is also a compendium of reference points which can only challenge the reader to go back and find out more. With an extensive time-line and a well referenced chapter by chapter list for further reading this little book should be to hand in every Christian’s place of study. In short I would describe ‘Rooted’ as the thinking person’s primer on Christian History. – And if you did not consider yourself to be a ‘thinking person’ before – you will after reading this book.

Ray Tolley


I couldn’t put it down, it has just enough on everything and by the end you have some really helpful hooks to hang 2 millennia of church history on. It is terrific.

Jon Gemmell

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