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Raising Kids in a Hyper-Sexualized World

Help for Christian Parents

Eliza Huie


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Raising Kids in a Hyper-Sexualized World

Help for Christian Parents

Eliza Huie



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Parents of kids face the challenge of raising their children in a sex–mad, sex–saturated world.

Eliza Huie, a parent and Christian counselor, takes you through, practically, how to walk with your kid in the midst of this hyper–sexualized world. The tips come in the form of what not to do, yet does so without giving a sense of judgment or failure. Instead, this short book takes a look at the value of reframing the mistakes both parents and teens may have already made and gives a hopeful picture of how our compassionate Father moves toward us in weakness.

“As a parent of teens I’m eager to get all the help I can, and especially when it comes to the challenges and complexities of raising them in a digital world. Eliza Huie’s little book offers help, help that is wise, practical, and biblical.” – Tim Challies, Author and blogger

“I really like this book. It is unafraid to go right to where teenagers are and right to what parents worry about. In imitation of a heavenly Father who knows and cares, its top tips are immensely wise.” Ann Benton, Author and speaker

“Don’t let this book’s brevity fool you. Counsellor Eliza Huie has packed in a plethora of biblical and practical wisdom on a critical issue facing every parent today. Read it, digest it, and be better prepared to have meaningful conversations with your teen about sexuality as God designed and intended it.” – Jonathan Holmes, Pastor of Counseling, Parkside Church; Biblical Counseling Coalition Council Member

“As the father of two teenage daughters, with friends of varying 'sexualities’ I was delighted to read this book. It is a fantastic little primer and will be extremely useful for those parents struggling with some of the sexual issues of our day. Down to earth, biblical and full of common sense. Get it.” – Mez McConnell, 20Schemes

“There are thousands of ways in which this world is screaming in your kid’s ears, 'Have sex!’ 'Forget purity!’ 'It feels good so take it!’ Parents of teenagers need help in an over–sexualized world. Eliza Huie’s Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualized World is going to be a useful resource for parents. Short,concise, and an easy read, you will walk away with edifying and instructive thoughts for your parenting.” – Deepak Reju, PhD, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Family Ministry, Capitol Hill Baptist Church (Washington, DC), Author of On Guard and The Pastor and Counseling

  • Title

    Raising Kids in a Hyper-Sexualized World

  • Author(s)

    Eliza Huie

  • Series

    Raising Kids

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  • Topic

    Parenting, Gender & Sexuality

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Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie is an experienced marriage and family counselor. She has completed three levels of certificate training from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). She is currently working on completing her Masters in Counseling in the Graduate School of Counseling at Biblical Seminary. She is also a contributing writer for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 7 reviews

Right on

As a mother who has raised two teenage daughters and as a spiritual coach who meets regularly with parents concerned about their teens, I found this book extremely helpful. There is a tone of calm and peace as the author firmly and confidently makes her points about raising teens in this difficult time in our culture. I believe her counsel is right on and I think it will be extremely helpful for every parent to read. One piece of advice is get it before your child becomes a teenager! It will give you a great roadmap as they enter into those years.

Kit Elmer

An espresso shot of grounded wisdom

Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualised World is an espresso shot of grounded wisdom for Christian parents as they navigate how they might care and guide their children through the teenage years, particularly in a world where nearly everything has become sexualised. Eliza Huie is a parent and Christian counsellor, and says her aim is to help parents engage more effectively with their teens on this topic. In particular, her concern is that sometimes children seem to be left to navigate this pervasive minefield alone, or alternatively parents simply engage with the subject too late. Instead she argues for a parent–teenager relationship that values continual communication rather than detachment, and models grace and forgiveness rather than simply prescribing correct behaviour. The book is framed around seven ‘tips’ (or you might say ‘warnings’, given that each one is actually a negative recommendation): for example, ‘Don’t Overreact’ or ‘Don’t Disconnect’. As Eliza acknowledges, the chances are that if you’re a Christian parent to teenagers, you inevitably will have done these things! But her intention is not to cause despair at our failings, but to help parents learn to gradually develop a parenting culture that is increasingly alert to the pitfalls she flags up. By the way, this book isn’t seeking to persuade you of the Bible’s understanding of sexuality, nor is it fleshing out how a Christian worldview engages with the culture(s) around us on this subject. Instead, Eliza is essentially seeking to help parents take their unique role and responsibility by the horns and to actually talk with their teenagers about the issue of sexuality. Of course, for some parents, that will already be their intention (even if in practice it’s harder than it sounds), whereas for others it may not be on their radar. For those in the latter category, this is a vital primer – even if it isn’t providing a comprehensive Christian perspective on sexuality. For those in the former category, this book is still likely to expose areas we haven’t considered and where perhaps the tone of our parenting could change. Anecdotally, it seems parents can often grieve their child’s transition to the teenage years, and here I felt Eliza was especially helpful in highlighting the way our parenting needs to intentionally engage with these changes. For example, she encourages parents to see their role as shifting from being an authority to a positive influence. In that sense, the focus of the book is not so much on the teenager but on the posture of the parent. Parents are to walk with their children, rather than simply giving directives and ruling from a position over them; parents are to listen more and to talk less, and so “gain a greater voice into [their teenager’s] heart.” 10Publishing have produced a number of short books that still pack a considerable punch, and at just 36–pages this is a prime example. It’s a quick but very stimulating read. It’s certainly not trying to be a one–stop manual for Christian parenting, and it assumes you’re already persuaded of Christian teaching on sexuality, but it will undoubtedly encourage you not to neglect the precious and privileged role of being a parent at an age where many may feel hesitant and default to ‘hands off’.

Robin Ham

Don't panic!

An excellent little book. Short, to the point, with practical gospel wisdom. Don't overreact, sexual sin isn't the unforgiveable sin, there is grace for sexual sin, and parents are important. Words we need to hear!

Daniel Garratt

Big Things Come In Little Packages

Don't let the size of this book mislead you. This short book is packed full of wisdom that will help any parent walk along side their teenager as they navigate life in a sexualized culture. Her words are drenched in scripture, filled with stories and give redemptive, practical and gospel centered counsel. A invaluable tool that should be in the toolbox of any parent, teacher or youth worker.

Steven Dallwig

I loved it.

This 40 page book was very to the point. No fluff. I loved it. I read it super fast and have been working on the strategies ever since.

Natalie Mangrum

This is an excellent book!

This is an excellent book! I love the short length, because it means you don't have to wade through fluff or unnecessary material to get to the main points. I love that this book is so practical and that every single page is filled with useful and concrete advice. From the very first page, it is apparent that Eliza is a wise, knowledgeable, and well researched author who has important advice and encouragement for parents and anyone who works with teens.


Help for parents of teens

This short book (42 pages) is packed with wisdom on how parents can tackle the subject of sex with teenagers, avoiding the twin dangers of overreaction and abdication, while being positive about sex and keeping communication lines open.

Stephen Ayre

Also in this series

Raising Kids with a Heart for Mission
Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids
Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World
Raising Kids in the Way of Grace
Raising Kids in a You Can Do It World
Raising Kids Pack

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