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The Joy of Service

Julian Hardyman




The Joy of Service

Julian Hardyman



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Self–denial and sacrifice are unpopular ideas in our culture. Even as Christians, it can be all too easy to make temporary happiness our goal. We can doubt that the call to take up our cross and follow Jesus is actually for our good. 

In this honest book, experienced pastor Julian Hardyman discusses the relationship between serving, ministry and joy. He writes openly of how his own experience of suffering has shaped his ministry. He explains that pain and suffering are not only to be expected, but are the tools that God uses to equip us to serve others joyfully.

  • Title

    The Joy of Service

  • Author(s)

    Julian Hardyman

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Suffering & Loss, Church

  • Audience

    Adults, Church Leaders

  • Pages


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Julian Hardyman

Julian Hardyman

Julian was born near Windsor in 1964. Brought up in a Christian family, he became a Christian through the Christian Union at his secondary school. He read English at New College, Oxford, also serving on the CU Executive Committee, and then studied at the London College of Printing before working in the printing and publishing industries. Julian was appointed as Senior Pastor of Eden in September 2002. Julian is married to Debbie and they have 3 children; Robin, Fiona and Kitty.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Joyful Service

This small book is primarily written with those in vocational ministry in mind, but as a lay person I still benefited from its contents. Julian Hardyman’s writing style was warm, accessible, humorous, and honest. While he does expound on some Scripture passages throughout, you’re also gleaning from their practical applications based on the ups and downs he's experienced in ministry over the years. I particularly appreciated the short prayers at the end of each chapter where he exposed his heart for the Lord and the church and confessed his sin and weakness. I walked away from the book wanting to strive harder to please the Lord in my service to him—and I think that’s what the author was intending!

I do work for 10ofThose and received a copy of this book for free, but this is my honest review of it!


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