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Four Big Questions We Should Be Asking But Typically Don't

Peter Mead




Four Big Questions We Should Be Asking But Typically Don't

Peter Mead


Which god is God? What is a Human? What is Sin? What is Salvation?

You may never have thought much about these questions. But the fact is we all have a working version of the answers. Instead of speculating about who God is, Peter Mead invites us to begin with the claim that God has revealed Himself in Jesus. What kind of a God emerges from that claim? What kind of a vision for human beings and human flourishing? Christians have a word for it - ‘gospel'. It means ‘good news'. We think that what emerges is good news - THE good news.

"Having the right answers is one thing but Peter Mead goes deeper - he explores the right questions - questions of God, humanity, sin and salvation. By turning to Scripture this book gives us a surprising, satisfying and compelling foundation for life." ~ Glen Scrivener, Evangelist, Speak Life, Eastbourne

"A great little primer about the world, ourselves and - most importantly - God. This short, easy to read, helpful book will help you get to know Him better." ~ Marcus Honeysett, Director of Living Leadership and author, Kent, England

"Peter's love of scripture, and his desire to see lives transformed bleed through the pages of this book." ~ Rick McKinley, Leader Pastor, Imago Dei Community, Portland, Oregon

"Many people build their lives on a weak foundation of sand. In Foundations, Peter Mead introduces you to the one concrete foundation poured deep enough to hold your life steady!" ~ Tony Reinke, Writer for Desiring God & author of Lit!

"The book of Acts tells of God's plan for us to have relationship in the context of his grace. Foundations fills out this picture beautifully. Read and enjoy!" ~ Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary and author of Acts, Baker Exegetical Commentary

  • Title


  • Author(s)

    Peter Mead

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    Christian Focus Publications

  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


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Peter Mead

Peter Mead is the director of Cor Deo, a ministry training programme in Chippenham, England. He is also part of the leadership team of Trinity Chippenham, a church Peter helped to plant back in 2014. Peter is a lecturer for Union School of Theology. He studied at Multnomah Biblical Seminary before getting his Doctor of Ministry degree under Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, in the area of expository preaching.

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5.0 based on 2 reviews


Having the right answers is one thing but Peter Mead goes deeper – he explores the right questions – questions of God, humanity, sin and salvation. By turning to Scripture this book gives us a surprising, satisfying and compelling foundation for life.

Glen Scrivener

Just what is needed

Peter Mead points to the preaching in Acts to provide the important foundational questions—and answers—that we want people to be asking when it comes to faith in Christ. This concise book is just what is needed to build belief and believers!

Scott M.Gibson

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