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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield



Bestselling author Rosaria Butterfield confronts 5 cultural lies she once believed

Our culture changes at a constant and rapid pace, swaying in its beliefs on sexuality and spirituality. Author Rosaria Butterfield argues that the word of God is the answer to such swaying opinions and uses Scripture to illuminate 5 lies that our prevailing culture often promotes, including how being a spiritual person is kinder than being a biblical Christian, that feminism is good for the world and the church, and that transgenderism is normal and healthy.

Written in the style of a memoir, Rosaria shares personal stories interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology. This culturally relevant book will help readers gain a clearer understanding of how the word of God is applicable to these critical cultural issues facing the church today.

  • Written by Rosaria Butterfield: Bestselling author of The Gospel Comes with a House Key (100,000+ copies sold) and The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert (100,000+ copies sold)
  • For Christians wanting to engage with cultural issues: Especially those passionate about the next generation
  • Personal: Rosaria speaks from her own experience in order to teach and encourage other Christians
  • Title

    Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

  • Author(s)

    Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Gender & Sexuality

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University, converted to Christ in 1999 in what she describes as a train wreck. Her memoir The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert chronicles that difficult journey. Rosaria is married to Kent, a Reformed Presbyterian pastor in North Carolina, and is a homeschool mother, author, and speaker.

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