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Street Smarts

Using Questions to Answer Christianity's Toughest Challenges

Gregory Koukl

Street Smarts

Using Questions to Answer Christianity's Toughest Challenges

Gregory Koukl



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Street Smarts by Gregory Koukl helps Christians better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge their convictions on a variety of issues. A follow-up to Koukl's best-selling Tactics, this book focuses on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. It then provides individual strategies to exploit those shortcomings by offering model questions and sample dialogues to help guide believers in genial, yet persuasive, conversations.

Koukl begins by explaining the important difference in evangelism between a harvest approach (reaping) and a gardening approach (sowing). He then provides an overview of the tactical game plan he uses to have fruitful "gardening" conversations with those who are not yet Christians. Subsequent chapters tackle specific areas of challenge that Christians frequently face in discussions "on the street," as it were--in those conversations with friends, family, or critics that believers often avoid because they feel out of their element, vulnerable, or exposed.

With the specific challenges he addresses, Koukl shows precisely how and why each falters. instructing the reader in a lucid, well-organized, and easy-to-follow fashion. He then provides a specific set of questions--the same questions Koukl uses in his own encounters--that are embedded in sample mini-dialogues the Christian can use to exploit those flaws in an amicable, yet incisive, way.

Some questions are used to get the discussion moving forward in a disarming fashion. Others are aimed more directly at the flaws or liabilities of the typical challenges people raise. Questions encourage challengers to think more carefully about their objections or consider problems with their own views that they may not have considered or even have been aware of.

Street Smarts equips Christians to handle tough challenges in a straightforward and user-friendly way. It provides the practical tools they need to keep them in the driver's seat of otherwise difficult and discomfiting conversations. It enables them to stand up for Christ in a safe, genial, yet effective way.

  • Title

    Street Smarts

  • Author(s)

    Gregory Koukl

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  • Publisher

    Harper Collins

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Gregory Koukl

Gregory Koukl

Gregory Koukl is the founder and president of Stand to Reason ( Greg started out thinking he was too smart to become a Christian and ended up giving his life for the defense of Christianity. A central theme of Greg's speaking and writing is that the Christian view of reality can compete in the marketplace of ideas when it's properly understood and properly articulated.

Koukl's teaching has been featured on Focus on the Family radio, he's been interviewed for the BBC, and did a one-hour national television debate with Deepak Chopra on Lee Strobel's "Faith Under Fire." Greg has been quoted in U.S. News & World Report, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and the L.A. Times. An award-winning writer, Greg is author of "The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between," "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions," "Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air" (with Francis J. Beckwith), and "Precious Unborn Human Persons." Koukl has spoken on 85 university and college campuses both in the U.S. and abroad.

Koukl received his Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, graduating with high honors, and his Masters with honors in Christian Apologetics from Simon Greenleaf University. He is an adjunct professor in the graduate program of Christian apologetics at Biola University.

Koukl hosts Stand to Reason's talk show advocating clear-thinking Christianity and defending the Christian worldview. Find more of Greg Koukl's resources at

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