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Rumbo a la verdad del evangelio - Estudio bíblico para jóvenes con videos

Navigating Gospel Truth (Teen Bible Study with Videos) (Spanish)

Rebecca McLaughlin

Rumbo a la verdad del evangelio - Estudio bíblico para jóvenes con videos

Navigating Gospel Truth (Teen Bible Study with Videos) (Spanish)

Rebecca McLaughlin



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Los Evangelios —Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan— son cuatro relatos de una vida extraordinaria. Estos libros no son cuentos de hadas, ficción o leyendas; son la verdad del evangelio. En este estudio bíblico de ocho sesiones, Rebecca McLaughlin te guiará para identificar y entender los diferentes tipos de escritura en estos textos antiguos. A través de este viaje, se renovará tu confianza en la verdad de las Escrituras y ganarás una visión más cautivadora del Salvador.


The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are four accounts of one extraordinary life. These books aren't fairytales, fiction, or legend; they are gospel truth. In this eight-session Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin will guide you through identifying and understanding the different kinds of writing in these ancient texts. Through this journey, your confidence in the truth of Scripture will be renewed, and you'll gain a more captivating view of the Savior.

  • Title

    Rumbo a la verdad del evangelio - Estudio bíblico para jóvenes con videos

  • Author(s)

    Rebecca McLaughlin

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    12-14s, 15-18s

  • Bible Book


  • Audience

    Small Group, Youth

  • Pages


  • Published


Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD in renaissance literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is cofounder of Vocable Communications and former vice president of content at the Veritas Forum, where she spent almost a decade working with Christian academics at leading secular universities.

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