What will you do for the kingdom?
At some point in the last fifty years, our society began to see the young adult years as a season of life when you can just “figure things out” and have as much fun as possible while you do. Of course, your teens and twenties can be fun. And no college student or young adult in a first job can know what the next ten to fifteen years will hold. But these decades are also the launching pad for the rest of your life. As a young adult, you’ll have opportunities to make an eternal difference. After all, you’re on mission now. Jesus’s commissioning is all you need to love God, love people, and witness to the truth of the gospel.
In Make It Your Ambition, Jeremy Writebol presents young adults with seven worthy pursuits. Pick up this book and be inspired with holy ambition. Consider whether your career aspirations reach beyond the successes and goals of this life to everything God has for you. Ignite your imagination and discover what a life marked by robust, gospel-fueled, and Spirit-filled obedience can look like.
- Career or Calling? Helps young believers consider the goal and outcome of their lives in light of seven biblical priorities.
- Great Gift for High School Graduates or College Students: Inspires young Christians to make a lasting difference for Christ’s kingdom.
- Includes Helpful Discussion Questions: Easy to use in one-on-one discipleship or with small groups.
Make It Your Ambition
Kindle ebook
Work & Money
Adults, Student