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Safe and Sound

Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles

David Powlison

Safe and Sound

Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles

David Powlison



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Safe and Sound by best-selling author David Powlison guides readers to see the normality of their struggles with themselves, the world around them, and the powers of darkness. Counselors tend to be interested in what they can easily describe: psychological dynamics, social influences, and physiological givens. But how does the uncanny power of darkness fit in with the more accessible factors in a person's life?

By carefully unpacking Ephesians 6 with vivid case studies and biblical wisdom, Powlison helps readers humanize those struggles and bear the relevance of the love of God in Christ for those struggles. In this helpful guide, Powlison addresses many questions with gospel answers regarding the reality of spiritual warfare, including "What is spiritual warfare?" and "How does Ephesians disciple us in spiritual warfare?"

Safe and Sound presents Ephesians as a book about our conflict with darkness—within ourselves, with other people, and with the spiritual forces of evil. Powlison demonstrates how the message of Christ's triumph over all that is evil, dark, and deadly rings true, and how spiritual warfare is our participation in the Lord's cosmic war with darkness.

To stand up against evil, Powlison encourages readers to pray pointedly and listen to Scripture intently, standing with other brothers and sisters in Christ and relying on the strength God himself gives. 

  • Title

    Safe and Sound

  • Author(s)

    David Powlison

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    New Growth Press

  • Topic

    Spiritual Warfare

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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David Powlison

David Powlison

David Powlison, M.Div., Ph.D. worked for four years in psychiatric hospitals, during which time he came to faith in Christ. He serves as the Executive Director at CCEF and edits The Journal of Biblical Counseling.

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