Endorsed by Derek Thomas, Michael Haykin, Maurice Roberts, and more.
The Christian life is a race, a marathon. Through the gospel, God summons us to sustained and persevering effort. But realistically speaking, Christians are not always pressing forward. Sometimes we wander off the narrow path, slip, and injure ourselves. To the confused and injured runner, this book says, "God can help you. You can finish this race—and finish it well."
Drawing from the wisdom of the Scriptures and aided by the insights of godly Bible teachers through the centuries, Getting Back in the Race addresses the age-old problem of backsliding.
Even though our backsliding insults God, dishonors him, grieves him, and pushes away his love, still he calls us to return to him. When we grasp hold of God's methods by faith, we discover that Christ has grasped hold of us. Our spiritual Physician has potent medicines to heal his people from their injuries and get them back on track to finish the race.
This book is a wake-up call to careless Christians and an encouragement to all believers to keep running to the Lord.
Getting Back in the Race
Cruciform Press