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Grill a Christian

Answers to tough questions

Roger Carswell


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Grill a Christian

Answers to tough questions

Roger Carswell


Wouldn't you just love to grab a Christian, sit them down in the hot seat and grill them mercilessly on the tough questions about God, the Bible and the world?

There are the tricky questions that everyone asks, like Why does God allow suffering? and How can a God of love send people to Hell? Or perhaps you have more specific ones, such as Who did Cain marry? Was Jesus really born by a virgin? and Does God care about my carbon footprint?

In Grill a Christian, international speaker and author Roger Carswell gives straightforward, no-nonsense answers from the Bible to these burning questions and many more. If you have ever wished you could have your question about God answered, or perhaps people ask you and you're not sure what to say, then this book is for you – it probably has the answer!

Updated edition published in 2023.

  • Title

    Grill a Christian

  • Author(s)

    Roger Carswell

  • ISBN


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  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


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Roger Carswell

Roger Carswell

Roger Carswell spends his time speaking to students and adults about the believability of the Christian faith and its relevance to the modern world. He is married to Dot and they have four children.

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Overall rating

4.8 based on 4 reviews

Concise apologetics book

Very concise and biblically faithful look at some big objections to the Christian faith. I will use this as a handout to high school seniors in the future to help them down the road. Very strong sections on morality and the life of Jesus. I would recommend this for all looking for concise apologetics book for you personally or ministry related giveaway.

Tim Franks

Great to give away

This book gives good solid biblical answers in a down to earth manner to which people can relate and covers the questions that are most frequently asked. A great book to give away - the most popular book at our Easter Book Table

Jeremy Mills

Answers on a Plate

Easy to read for the Christian and Non-Christian alike. Simple and straight forward containing many of those often asked questions with to the point answers. A great book to 'give away' to those who want to know more.

Allan Spencer

grill a christian

it is very interesting & im sure will help me

jonathan bass

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