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Where is God in a Messed-Up World? (Tract)

Roger Carswell

Where is God in a Messed-Up World? (Tract)

Roger Carswell


This evangelistic tract explains how the world that God made 'very good' has been marred by sin causing great suffering. It describes God's great plan to restore the world and to end suffering and pain forever through Jesus' death and resurrection.

The corresponding book is available here.

  • Title

    Where is God in a Messed-Up World? (Tract)

  • Author(s)

    Roger Carswell

  • Series

    Evangelistic Tracts

  • ISBN


  • Publisher


  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


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Where Is God In a Messed-Up World?

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