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Out of the Black Shadows

Stephen Lungu




Out of the Black Shadows

Stephen Lungu



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Stephen Lungu was the oldest son of a teenage mother, married off to a much older man by her parents, and living in a black township near Salisbury, Zimbabwe. When he was seven his mother ran away, leaving him, and his younger brother and sister, in the reluctant care of an aunt. By eleven Stephen too had run away, preferring life on the streets.

To survive, he slept under bridges and scavenged food from white folks' dustbins. As a teenager he was recruited into one of the urban gangs, called the Black Shadows, which ran a program of theft and thuggery with a half-focused dream of revolution. When a traveling evangelist came to town, Stephen was sent to fire bomb the event, carrying his bag of bombs and mingling with the crowd.

Instead of throwing bombs he stayed to listen ... what followed was better than fiction.

  • Title

    Out of the Black Shadows

  • Author(s)

    Stephen Lungu

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    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Published


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Stephen Lungu

Stephen Lungu

Stephen Lungu was born in 1942 in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is married to Rachel Lungu. Stephen Lungu was the leader of a detachment of a dozen thugs from the gang Black Shadows which instigated riots and sowed chaos in pre-independence Zimbabwe. At seven years-old, Stephen was abandoned by his mother on the streets of Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital. Since then, Stephen’s growing anger had found focus in the Nationalist Youth League which advocated the violent overthrow of the white government. A beautiful young girl from Soweto in South Africa told of how Jesus had “transformed everything.” Her words resonated with an uncanny authority. She spoke about forgiveness. She spoke of a new start in life. “I suddenly felt very dirty and shabby,” Stephen recalls. Still clutching his bombs, Stephen stumbled forward to where the preacher was speaking, even though it was still in the middle of his message. Ushers tried to escort him away, but the preacher forbade them, continuing with his sermon. And there begins the story of his life journey with God.

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Overall rating

4.5 based on 2 reviews

Inspiring Biography!

This biography is a fantastic testimony of a skilled evangelist. I was eager to read this after I discovered that the author was a native Zimbabwean, a county where I was privileged to do mission work back in high school. I found the story to be very compelling. Stephen Lungu was called out of a terroristic gang in the tumultuous, dying days of the segregated Rhodesian regime. God saved him and he began evangelizing before he could even read his Bible! God providentially provided for Lungu, giving him ample opportunities to grow in discipleship and knowledge of God before rising to the presidency of an international evangelistic organization. A must-read! *I am an employee of 10ofThose, but was not required to leave a positive review

African Missionary Biography

An incredible story of an African missionary and how the Lord took him from the streets to running a missions organization. Read if you need encouragement in your faith and a reminder that God does incredible things with those who say yes to him.

*I am an employee of 10ofThose but was not required to give a positive review.


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