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The Day the Earth Shook

Helen Buckley



The Day the Earth Shook

Helen Buckley


On the day the earth shook something amazing happened. The earth quaked. The rocks split. All because someone incredible died. But just who was this man powerful enough to shake the earth, and why did he have to die? The Day the Earth Shook introduces children to 'super powerful, super strong love in action' as they discover just why this was the most incredible day in history.

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    The Day the Earth Shook

  • Author(s)

    Helen Buckley

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Helen Buckley

Helen Buckley

Helen Buckley worked as a primary school teacher before moving to Birmingham. She spent four years with Birmingham City Mission as a schools’ worker before joining a local church as a children's worker.

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 3 reviews

Affordable, quick book about Easter!

This book is a fun take on the Easter story, focusing specifically on how the ground shook when Jesus died. The book repeats this stanza several times: “The day that Jesus died the ground shook. The earth quaked. The rocks split. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. God’s Son died. No wonder the ground couldn’t stay still.” And at the end of the story, we hear the good news that he didn’t stay dead! This book is much smaller than your average picture book, and in paperback format, making it more affordable, easier to take on the go and space-saving. *I received a review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

Good Friday focus

I used this as part of my Parent and Toddler group Good Friday session, giving it out to them all so that they could follow while I read it. Some of the vocabulary used is not obvious for little children, but the (mainly non-Christian) parents seemed positive. The content - focussing on the earthquake at the crucifixion - is an unusual tack, but effective.

Margaret Hobbs

Beautifully illustrated.

This little book is beautifully illustrated. I could imagine reading this with young children, learning the repeated refrain, ‘I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, God’s Son Died.’ It is simple, effective and powerful. I enjoyed reading it through several times and have passed it onto our youth pastor to use with ‘The Field’ our preschool class, and perhaps even our Baby and Toddler Group at Easter.

Jonathan Gemmell

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