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Changing Lanes

The Meaning to Life and the Truth about God

Jonny Pearse




Changing Lanes

The Meaning to Life and the Truth about God

Jonny Pearse



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Life according to Jesus is really easy to understand; it's about direction. There are just two roads and two very different destinations. The most relevant question you can ask about your life is: where's it going? Jesus not only provides great answers to your biggest questions, He proves to be the solution to your biggest problem. Changing Lanes takes you on a journey of discovery in search of the meaning to life and the truth about God.

"This is an excellent book and well worth every younger teenage Christian reading to remind them of what they believe and then giving a copy to their non-Christian friend!"

- Andy Hutchinson, Associate Minister, St Giles', Derby

"Accessible and engaging…we're already working out how we can use this in our school clubs."

- Wayne Harris, National Director of CrossTeach

  • Title

    Changing Lanes

  • Author(s)

    Jonny Pearse

  • Series

    Changing Lanes

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    12-14s, 15-18s

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Jonny Pearse

Jonny Pearse is married to Rachel and has three children. He moved from North Wales to Bournemouth in 2002 to take up a position as a Pastor for Youth and Families. He’s been a youth leader for over 25 years and has worked with groups of all ages and sizes. He’s been Chaplain of the CCIW senior youth camp since 2003.

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 3 reviews

Excellent resource prompting discussion

We've just finished using this resource with our youth group at church and loved it. Clear, accessible and age-relevant with helpful bible studies to go with it. As with every youth resource, you will probably want to tinker with the questions to suit the people in front of you but I found I had to do that very little. The videos grabbed the young people's attention and they quickly grasped the concept of there being two lanes and having to decide which way they were going. I would highly recommend this and wish there was more out there like it to use with our group. As we finished the final session, one of the young people turned to me and said she could definitely see herself inviting a friend along to such a course to understand what it is to be a Christian.

Felicity Patterson

Gordon Curley - Evangelist

We used the DVD & course over a bank-holiday weekend - the young people (aged 10 to 15) listened well to the DVD and the discussion times went really well. The DVD could do with a bit of humour in some of the illustrations but the content is good and the presenter is young - a good resource

Gordon Curley

I really like this books

There is a real shortage of really good Christian books written specifically for teenagers. As someone who has a teenage daughter and does youth ministry, if a new book comes out for them, I’m keen to read it. A recent release is a short book by Jonny Pearse called Changing Lanes. Using the imagery of Jesus’ description of two roads, one that’s wide and leads to destruction, and one that’s narrow and leads to God and eternal life, the question this book asks its teenage readers is “Which of the two roads am I on?” with the hope that those on the wide road will change lanes! To help them do that, the seven chapters of the book take the teenager on a journey of discovery to find out the truth about religion, evidence, sin, hell, Jesus, forgiveness and Christianity. I really like this book. Each chapter is short, clear, uncompromising (especially the chapters on sin and hell), and accessible for teenagers, especially those who are currently on the wide road. There is also a seven week evangelistic DVD course which can be done in a youth group setting or individually online. I’m looking forward to running this course with the youth group I help to lead and to give out copies of the book at the end. Why not do the same?

Dan Green –

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