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Martin Luther: What should I do?

Little Lights

Catherine Mackenzie

Martin Luther: What should I do?

Little Lights

Catherine Mackenzie


The true story of Martin Luther and the Reformation. What would you do if you were hungry and needed your supper? Would you stand outside someone's door and sing for it? At the boarding school in Eisenach, Martin and his friends had to sing for their supper.

As well as working out ways to get some tasty food before bedtime, Martin spent a lot of time thinking about how to get to heaven. Martin thought that he had to pray for hours on end, eat very little, work very hard and study a great many good books in order to have his sins forgiven. However, as he began to read God's Word for himself he discovered that the answer was not in doing these things, but by putting his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Title

    Martin Luther: What should I do?

  • Author(s)

    Catherine Mackenzie

  • Series

    Little Lights

  • ISBN


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  • Publisher

    Christian Focus Publications

  • Age Range


  • Topic

    Church History

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  • Pages


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Catherine Mackenzie

Catherine Mackenzie

Catherine McKenzie was born and raised in Montreal, where she practices law. A graduate of McGill University and McGill Law School, she is the author of the bestsellers Hidden, Forgotten, Spin and Arranged, which has also been made into a short film.

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