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The Art of Disagreeing

How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations

Gavin Ortlund

The Art of Disagreeing

How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations

Gavin Ortlund



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In this positive and practical book, Gavin Ortlund looks to the Scriptures to discover a way in which to disagree with others that leads to greater understanding, peace and love—and that shows a watching world something of Jesus.

This is a much-needed book in a society that is losing the ability to disagree well. Whether over politics, religion or culture, or the more everyday issues of normal life, points of view tend to be held with a polarizing intensity. Often we enter disagreements feeling that we have to win or we avoid them altogether.

Looking to Jesus’ example of courage and kindness, readers will be given a framework for engaging in intense disagreements with a love that furthers relationships instead of hindering them.

So, whether you tend to fight or flee, learn how to keep calm and stay friends—even when you don't agree.

  • Title

    The Art of Disagreeing

  • Author(s)

    Gavin Ortlund

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    The Good Book Company

  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Gavin Ortlund

Gavin Ortlund

Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai in Ojai, California.

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