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The Big Picture For Small Churches

John Benton

The Big Picture For Small Churches

John Benton


First published in 2005, this book continues to be relevant, godly advice from an experienced pastor and author. It has been out of print for some time, and is now reissued with a new preface and a completely revised layout and cover.

We live in a society that worships at the shrine of size, and churches too can fall victim to the thought. How many times have you been been asked how many attend your church on the Lord’s Day, and if you are in small fellowship felt a twinge of embarrassment? It is not easy to be upbeat about a church with just a few in the congregation.

John Benton has written a sensitive and practical book out of a heartfelt concern for the many small groups of God’s people who meet regularly and faithfully, but who may sometimes feel weak or isolated. Highlighting the fact that it is the health of a church, not its size, that is important, he encourages small congregations (and large ones, too!) and shows how the few and seemingly powerless have been used by God throughout the history of the people of God. Little churches can be the seeds from which God may yet give a mighty harvest, for his glory.

  • Title

    The Big Picture For Small Churches

  • Author(s)

    John Benton

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Topic


  • Audience

    Adults, Church Leaders

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