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God's Design for Women

In an Age of Gender Confusion

Sharon James

God's Design for Women

In an Age of Gender Confusion

Sharon James



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Is there anything unique about being a woman? 

God’s Word says yes! Men and women are absolutely equal in dignity. They are also significantly different. Women are only honoured (and fulfilled) when both truths are celebrated. Read this revised edition of Sharon James’ God’s Design for Women if you want to find out about:  

* The positive impact Christianity has had on women throughout history
* The various waves of feminism right up to the #MeToo movement
* The Bible’s teaching about equality and complementarity 
* A survey of views on women’s ministry
* An overview of biblical ministries of women
* A biblical perspective on work, singleness, marriage and motherhood

[Updated and Revised Edition]

"This book will inspire you to fulfil the God given design for women"

Elinor Magowan, FIEC Women's Ministry Coordinator

"A rare, wise and essential text to be read by men and women"

Ben Virgo, Christian Heritage London

"Will equip women of all ages to 'have confidence to live out, and tell out, what God says about sexuality, and about how to live a truly happy and fulfilled life'''

Julia Jones, Director of Women's courses at London Seminary, and missionary support worker with Grace Baptist Mission

"Refreshing and liberating"

Genevieve T Jennings, Pastoral Worker, Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge

"Biblically faithful and pastorally sensitive"

Paul Mallard, Pastor, Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath

"Insightful, instructive and inspiring"

Melvin Tinker, Vicar of St John Newland, Hull

  • Title

    God's Design for Women

  • Author(s)

    Sharon James

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Topic

    Church, Gender & Sexuality, Work & Money

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Sharon James

Sharon James

Sharon James is an author and conference speaker, who has spoken to many different audiences on biblical womanhood, both in the UK and abroad. She has degrees in history (Cambridge University) and theology (M.Div., Toronto Baptist Seminary), and a doctorate from the University of Wales. She has taught History in the UK and Malawi. Sharon now works for the Christian Institute.

Her books include Ann Judson: A Missionary Life for Burma, God’s Design for Women, In Trouble and in Joy, Elizabeth Prentiss: ‘More Love to Thee’ (published by the Trust), and Gentle Rain on Tender Grass: Daily Readings from the Pentateuch. Sharon is married to Bill, who is pastor of Emmanuel Church, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, where they have been since 1991. Bill and Sharon have two grown up children.

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