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How Jesus Runs the Church

Guy Prentiss Waters

How Jesus Runs the Church

Guy Prentiss Waters



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There are many fine books available on the offices of church leadership. Few, if any, address for a contemporary audience the biblical foundations of the government of the church. But this should be a priority for us, because God emphasizes the government of his church throughout Scripture.

Why should we be church members? How do church officers reflect Jesus’ reign over us? Where do the church’s responsibilities begin and end? Where do ours? These, and other important questions, are answered in Guy Prentiss Water’s vital examination of How Jesus Runs the Church.

At a time when church authority is treated with contempt, it’s important that we honor God in our churches more than ever.

  • Title

    How Jesus Runs the Church

  • Author(s)

    Guy Prentiss Waters

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    P&R Publishing

  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


Guy Prentiss Waters

Guy Prentiss Waters (PhD, Duke University) is the James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, and was formerly an associate professor of biblical studies at Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi. Guy and his wife, Sarah, have three children.

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