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Jesus the Great Philosopher

Rediscovering the Wisdom Needed for the Good Life

Jonathan Pennington

Jesus the Great Philosopher

Rediscovering the Wisdom Needed for the Good Life

Jonathan Pennington



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Many of us tend to live as though Jesus represents the "spiritual part" of our lives. We don't clearly see how he relates to the rest of our experiences, desires, and habits. How can Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity become more than a compartmentalized part of our lives?

Highly regarded New Testament scholar and popular teacher Jonathan Pennington argues that we need to recover the lost biblical image of Jesus as the one true philosopher who teaches us how to experience the fullness of our humanity in the kingdom of God. Jesus teaches us what is good, right, and beautiful and offers answers to life's big questions: what it means to be human, how to be happy, how to order our emotions, and how we should conduct our relationships.

This book brings Jesus and Christianity into dialogue with the ancient philosophers who asked the same big questions about finding meaningful happiness. It helps us rediscover biblical Christianity as a whole-life philosophy, one that addresses our greatest human questions and helps us live meaningful and flourishing lives.

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    Jesus the Great Philosopher

  • Author(s)

    Jonathan Pennington

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Jonathan Pennington

Dr. Jonathan T. Pennington (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is the Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Director of Research Doctoral Studies at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is also a respected author of various books, articles, and resources on the Greek and Hebrew language. Dr. Pennington received his MDiv degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is currently on the pastoral team of Sojourn East in Louisville.

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