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Redemption Song

A Primer on Singing for the People of God

Sean DeMars



Redemption Song

A Primer on Singing for the People of God

Sean DeMars



This is a pre-order item. Available 07/01/2025

Experience True Worship: A Fresh Look at Singing God’s Praise 

Drawing from the ancient Song of Moses, this transformative guide takes you on a journey to discover the heart of authentic Christian worship. Moving beyond the tired “contemporary vs. traditional” debates, the book explores eleven powerful insights that will reshape how you think about singing in church.

Whether you’re a passionate worship leader or someone who struggles to engage in corporate singing, this book meets you where you are. Through careful biblical analysis and practical wisdom, it shows how singing isn’t just a warm–up for the sermon—it’s a vital act of worship that engages our whole being: mind, heart, and imagination.

You’ll learn why God’s people sing, how to sing with both joy and reverence, and what it means to truly worship in spirit and truth. The author skillfully addresses both “artists” and “engineers” in the church, showing how God’s Word speaks to different temperaments and personalities in worship.

Written with pastoral warmth and theological depth, this primer on congregational singing will help you move from merely mouthing words to experiencing the deep joy of praising God alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • Title

    Redemption Song

  • Author(s)

    Sean DeMars

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Christian Focus Publications

  • Topic


  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Sean DeMars

Sean DeMars

Sean is the pastor of 6th Avenue Community Church in Decatur, Alabama. "The Lord saved me from my sins at eighteen and I haven’t looked back since. (Phil 3:14) After serving five years in the military, the Lord led our family to Peru as missionaries, and then brought us back to the United States in 2015. Amber and I have two beautiful children: Patience and Isabella. When I’m not serving the church, I like to CrossFit, do jiu jitsu, read good books, and tell dad jokes."

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

A Song for the Ages

"Redemption Song: A Primer On Singing for the People of God" is precisely the kind of resource the church needs today. In less than 70 pages (not counting the appendices), Sean Demars develops a series of successive insights on the nature of singing as a function of Christian discipleship, each of them building on one another to challenge the reader, no matter what stage of life or level of maturity. A grade schooler could read this and be ministered to just as well as a seasoned worship leader, because the insights are simultaneously simple and profound. Beginning with the most self-evident insight, that God's people are a singing people, Sean takes the needed time to lay a foundation that considers why we sing and to what end, before inviting us to contemplate the content and the context, the object and the attitude of our singing. Ultimately, this accessible and unintimidating book treats every facet of singing for the Christian as a discipleship opportunity. Eschewing culturally specific prescriptions and personal preferences, this helpful "Primer", as the subtitle would have it, is a call to engage with greater intentionality, meaning, understanding, purpose, affection, and fascination. My recommendation is to buy 10 copies and lead your music ministry team through one chapter each week. For whatever it's worth, that's what I intend to do!

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