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Fighting our Lesser Fears with a Greater One

John Perritt


Fighting our Lesser Fears with a Greater One

John Perritt



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It's there when you look in the mirror. You'll find it roaming the halls of your school or workplace. It tucks you in at night and greets you as you roll out of bed. You'll read it in text messages & tweets. See it on Facebook and Instagram. It's in our conversations and is always rattling around in our minds. What is it? Insecurity.

Insecurity is something all humans struggle with. Young and old, male and female, across the globe - insecurity has no boundaries. While it is a commonality among humanity, it doesn't mean it's something you have to live with.

Insecurity is painful for many, but there is a greater fear to drown out this lesser one. Scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is in this greater fear, that we learn how to grow, live, and, possibly defeat, our insecurity.

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  • Author(s)

    John Perritt

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    Christian Focus Publications

  • Topic

    Anxiety & Mental Health

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John Perritt

John Perritt

John Perritt is the Resource Coordinator for Reformed Youth Ministries at He also blogs on film and theology at and has published articles for The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God. He and his wife, Ashleigh, have five children.

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