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A Child’s First Bedtime Prayers

25 Heart-to-Heart Talks with Jesus

Dandi Daley Mackall and Cee Biscoe

A Child’s First Bedtime Prayers

25 Heart-to-Heart Talks with Jesus

Dandi Daley Mackall and Cee Biscoe




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What could be better than a heart-to-heart talk with Jesus? A Child’s First Bedtime Prayers draws little ones into cozy bedtime talks with Jesus and he answers them back! Each of the 25 prayer conversations focus on a different topic and includes both prayers for little ones to pray along with answers from Jesus. Jesus’ responses are rooted in Scripture and are full of encouragement, comfort, and age-appropriate teaching.

Written in winsome rhyming stanzas, this prayer book will draw children closer to Jesus as they talk and listen during their bedtime prayers.

Dandi Daley Mackall

Dandi Daley Mackall

Dandi Daley Mackall is the award–winning author of over 450 books for children and adults. She visits countless schools, conducts writing assemblies and workshops across the United States, and presents keynote addresses at conferences and young author events. She is also a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has made dozens of appearances on TV. She has won several awards for her writing, including the Helen Keating Ott Award for Contributions to Children’s Literature, the Edgar Award, and a two–time Mom’s Choice Award winner. Dandi writes from rural Ohio, where she lives with her husband, Joe, their three children, and their horses, dogs, and cats.

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