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Date Your Wife

Justin Buzzard

Date Your Wife

Justin Buzzard



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An intensely practical guide for husbands looking to strengthen, save, or spice up their marriage

Most men don't know how to date their wives. They did it before, but they've forgotten how, or they're trying but it just doesn't seem to be working.

Justin Buzzard helps men re-learn this all-important skill from a position of security in the gospel of grace. As a father of three boys and husband to a very happy wife, Justin offers guys a helping hand, good news, and wise counsel, along with:

  • 100 practical ideas for how to date your wife
  • Action steps at the end of each chapter
  • Personal stories and real-life examples

All types of marriages—good ones, mediocre ones, and bad ones—will experience a jumpstart as a result of hearing, believing, and living the message of Date Your Wife.

  • Title

    Date Your Wife

  • Author(s)

    Justin Buzzard

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Marriage & Relationships

  • Audience

    Male, Adults

  • Pages


  • Published


Justin Buzzard

Justin Buzzard is founder and Lead Pastor of Garden City, a Life-giving church. Garden City exists to give Life—to be a counterculture to the pressure, loneliness, and consumerism of Silicon Valley. Buzzard’s books explore many themes: living a bigger story, experiencing and spreading abundant Life, true manhood, romantic marriage, and shaping culture through cities. features shorter-formed writing from Justin, brief articles that inspire you and your friends to risk instead of rust—to adventure along the counterintuitive Ⓙ-Curve of Life-giving impact that Jesus pioneered for us.

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