How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Join bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu as they bring together illuminating stories to answer this vital question.
In Uncommon Ground, Keller and Inazu bring together a thrilling range of artists, thinkers, and leaders to provide a guide to living faithfully in a divided world, including:
- Lecrae, a recording artist, songwriter, and record producer
- Claude Richard Alexander Jr., senior pastor of The Park Church in Charlotte, North Carolina
- Rudy Carrasco, a program officer for the Murdock Charitable Trust
- Sara Groves, a singer and songwriter
- Shirley V. Hoogstra, president of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
- Kristen Deede Johnson, a professor of theology and Christian formation at Western Theological Seminary
- Warren Kinghorn, a professor of psychiatry and theology at Duke University
- Tom Lin, president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Trillia Newbell, director of community outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
- Tish Harrison Warren, an Anglican priest at the Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
With varied and enlightening approaches to reaching faithfully across deep and often painful differences, Uncommon Ground shows us how to live with confidence, joy, and hope in a complex and fragmented age.
Uncommon Ground
Harper Collins