Could God use ordinary me to change the world?
In the middle of diapers, dishes, papers, or presentations, deep down, we long to live a life of purpose, with a bit of adventure. But if we do something, we think we have to do everything—and do it in Africa. In Across the Street and Around the World, Jeannie Marie shows us we can change the world right where we already live, work, play, and study—by learning to grow genuine, spiritually deep friendships with people from other countries, cultures, and faiths.
In a refreshing “you-can-do-this-too” style, Marie leads us by the hand with clear steps, try-it sections, and beautifully crafted prayers. She gently guides us away from common cultural missteps, so we can offer Jesus in a winsome way, while honoring culture, faith, and family. With confidence, courage and compassion, we’ll start small, start soon, and start somewhere we already are, by first going across the street—which just may lead us around the world!
“Jeannie Marie shares a lifetime of invaluable experience with the rest of us. Her book is a treasure trove of insights and practical resources for engaging the nations in our own backyard and to the ends of the earth!” —David Garrison, author of Church-Planting Movements and Wind in the House of Islam
Across the Street and Around the World
Thomas Nelson
Evangelism & Mission