These days there are many competitors and 'look-alikes' around for the gospel of Christ. And the tragedy is that there is such a measure of confusion in the churches that often we can't recognise the genuine article when we see it.
The good news of the New Testament comes in a creditable third with many church people. It is regarded as just one among many options for the church's message. It is being replaced, even in the thinking of many Christians, by rather deceptive look-alikes of various kinds.
The central burden of this book is go back to some key passages of Scripture and rediscover, restate and rejoice in the breath-taking reality of what the cross of Christ achieved which is the gospel as preached by the apostles.
Praise for the book:
‘John Benton's At the Cross provides a gold mine of the riches of Christ for the taking. His writing style is crystal clear, refreshingly forthright, considerate to others while compelling in its own biblical argumentation. The glories of the cross are put on display in ways that magnify Christ and lead the believer to new depths of understanding, humility, and joy. In an age where confusion regarding the cross abounds, we may give praise to God for the biblical fidelity and profound simplicity with which Benton unfolds for us Christ's grace-filled and substitutionary atoning sacrifice.'
Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville, Kentucky, USA
‘A clear, straightforward account of essential gospel truths, to counteract the dangers of unbiblical teaching. These are solid truths to live by - truly Big Deals for each one of us.'
Robert Strivens, Principal, London Theological Seminary
‘This book will repay careful study in Bible studies or for personal reading. It is an accessible introduction to the very important issues that it addresses. And it very helpfully sets out a clear, biblical, approach to the topic.'
Dr. Josh Moody, Senior Pastor College Church in Wheaton, author of No Other Gospel
At The Cross
Evangelical Press