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Transforming Presence

How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything - From the Inside Out

Daniel Henderson

Transforming Presence

How the Holy Spirit Changes Everything - From the Inside Out

Daniel Henderson



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Does God sometimes feel far off? Do you have a hard time motivating yourself to get into the Word? Are you trying to conquer old sins, but feeling defeated? If so, you're not alone. But the secret to spiritual thriving isn't about trying harder. You need supernatural help. That's why God sent a Helper.

The church faces problems today because it misunderstands the Holy Spirit. We think of Him as a force rather than a person. And we look for a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in an Old Testament way instead of the New Testament way God designed for us.

Through over twenty years of studying church renewal Daniel Henderson has discovered 10 practices that lead to individuals—and entire churches—having a right relationship with the Holy Spirit and experiencing the kind of inside-out renewal that can only come from God.

Stop relying on your natural effort that can only lead to natural results, seek supernatural change. Find out how the Holy Spirit can transform you (and your church) today.

  • Title

    Transforming Presence

  • Author(s)

    Daniel Henderson

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Holy Spirit

  • Audience

    Adults, Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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