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Lies Men Believe

And the Truth that Sets them Free

Robert Wolgemuth

Lies Men Believe

And the Truth that Sets them Free

Robert Wolgemuth



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You are being hunted.

Like a seasoned angler, our enemy opens his tackle box and selects the lure most likely to attract his intended prey—usually the one you and I are least likely to consider harmful. Each lie we bite on causes us to feel pain, lose or injure relationships, and miss out on the abundant life that God wants us to have. Lies Men Believe exposes the lies that men most commonly believe, and shows you how to combat those lies with the truth.

Lies like:

  • Pleasure and Entertainment Can Truly Satisfy Me
  • If I Mean Well, That's Good Enough
  • If I Discipline My Children, They'll Rebel.
  • I'm Measured by How I Compare with Other Men.

Find out how lies are holding you back from freedom, joy, and intimacy with God and others. Discover the power of the truth. Because once you fully embrace the truth, nothing is ever the same.

  • Title

    Lies Men Believe

  • Author(s)

    Robert Wolgemuth

  • Series


  • ISBN


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

  • Audience

    Male, Adults

Overall rating

0.0 based on 0 reviews

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