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Everything Is Never Enough

Ecclesiastes' Surprising Path to Resilient Happiness

Bobby Jamieson

Everything Is Never Enough

Ecclesiastes' Surprising Path to Resilient Happiness

Bobby Jamieson


This is a pre-order item. Available 04/22/2025

How can you be happy? Who can show you the path to happiness? Pastor Bobby Jamieson shatters our illusions of what will make us happy and blazes a surprisingly simple trail to resilient joy.

“Bobby Jamieson brings an ancient text to bear on the challenge of living fully. The result is fresh, direct, and enlivening.”—Matthew B. Crawford, 
New York Times bestselling author of Shop Class as Soul Craft

Does it feel like you should be happy, and want to be happy, and try to be happy, but somehow you just can’t be happy? One way to be unhappy is not getting what you most want. Another way is to get all you could possibly want…only to discover that everything is not enough.

The writer of Ecclesiastes did it all. He had money, education, possessions, sex, and power—everything the modern world promises will bring joy—and yet he was never satisfied. And from his discontent, we benefit and find a surprisingly simple trail to lasting joy.

In this thoughtful exploration of Ecclesiastes, which speaks to all of us who feel restless and unfulfilled, Pastor Bobby Jamieson:

• teaches us how placing life on an eternal horizon empowers us to experience joy no matter our circumstances
• puts Ecclesiastes into dialogue with profoundly insightful critics of modernity to show that life in the modern West is a conveyor belt toward burnout
• helps us dismantle our false hopes one by one, clearing ground for true satisfaction

Poetic yet straightforward, philosophical yet accessible, 
Everything Is Never Enough frees us to stop grasping at broken promises and start receiving life as a gift of God’s grace.

  • Title

    Everything Is Never Enough

  • Author(s)

    Bobby Jamieson

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Waterbrook Multnomah

  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

  • Bible Book


  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Bobby Jamieson

Bobby Jamieson

Bobby Jamieson (PhD, University of Cambridge) serves as an associate pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. He previously served as assistant editor for 9Marks. Jamieson and his wife have three children.

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